Do You Have Your Anti-Deepfake Protocol Ready?

Do You Have Your Anti-Deepfake Protocol Ready?

This question may seem to be a cause for concern for companies and, in a wider sense, corporations (since protocols are more crucial to corporate quality standards). However, when it comes to quality of life, individuals may soon have to ask the same question. You must have a protocol—even if not on paper—on how to act properly against foreseeable risks so as to preserve your quality of life. Most of the time, we know instinctively what to do in the event an elderly relative has a health problem, or your wife is going through pregnancy, or a relative has an accident or is dealing with a problem. But, are you ready for the greatest cyber-security risk of the era? Protocols …

Deepfake: Infodemic Spread Through Disinformation and Misinformation is More Fatal than the Pandemic

Infodemic Spread Through Disinformation and Misinformation is More Fatal than the Pandemic

We had barely become accustomed to the idea of a pandemic before an onslaught of new terms took over our lives on the online world and social media. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it was fighting not only the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic but also the infodemic: “Trust reliable news sources, not social media content,” it warned. The global outbreak, or the pandemic as it is called, shook us to the core. We have become familiar with the notion of an infodemic, meaning “disinformation of global information and news” on social media. COVID-19 is the first social-media-borne infodemic. No other fictitious/false wave of information or news has reached such a global scale before. The efforts of the WHO, in …

Can You Expose Deepfakes On Zoom?

Can You Expose Deepfakes On Zoom?

“Life under quarantine” brought on by the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation. The video conference app Zoom has largely replaced face-to-face meetings. Now there is one more thing that the world has to deal with: zoombombing! This may only be a foreshock. In the previous article, we raised the question, “Are you really meeting with the person you think you are meeting with on Zoom?” So, what happens if they are not the person you think you are talking to? What if the real tremors are still impending on Zoom? A security issue was bound to ensue once the number of Zoom users increased twenty-fold in three months. Zoombombing attacks, or Zoom raids, by uninvited guests …

When A Deepfake Troller Becomes A Phenomenon

The standard definition of a phenomenon is “something or someone that attracts attention and admiration exceptional enough to create an emotional bond.” Undoubtedly, the making of an online phenomenon, especially on social media, is measured by its number of followers. Trolls loom as the agitators, troublemakers, and manipulation experts of the online world. While phenomena emanate a powerful magnetic field from a single source, trolls fire machine guns at certain targets to expand their gravitational field. It takes only one account to become a phenomenon, whereas trolls more often require multiple fake accounts to feed their appetite for chaos. No phenomenon, even with its hundreds of thousands of followers, could be considered saintly. Such fame inevitably comes with an ethical …

Deepfake: Are They Really the People You Think You are Meeting on Zoom?

Are They Really the People You Think You are Meeting on Zoom?

Manage the risk, so you don’t have to manage the crisis. This motto does not belong to the author of this article. You are likely to find reflections on this saying in many places. It emphasizes the importance of being aware of dangers and threats before something bad happens to you. Otherwise, when the danger unfolds, you end up paying a higher cost than you would have if you had averted it in the first place. This fact applies in every area of life, including COVID-19. Zoom, a video conferencing app, is the new favorite app for the pandemic life-style. By now, you have heard what deepfake is: plausible fake synthetic media that is created using artificial intelligence (AI), deep …

Deepfake Loves Murky Times

The world was getting ready to face 2020 with an onslaught of deepfake attacks; instead, it is at a loss in the face of the COVID-19 coronavirus onslaught. Most of us would probably prefer deepfake to COVID-19. Alas, the situation that has spiraled into a “pandemic” gave nobody a choice. Don’t lose sight of deepfake while battling the threat of coronavirus on our health and lives. Remember that deepfake loves murky times. Not only does it concoct chaos, but it also captivates people’s minds more easily in an environment of chaos, even when it is not of its own making. As is the case with world media, social media is also inundated with information and images and reflections from all …

More Than Two Thousand Brains Team Up Against Countless Hackers To Stop Phishing

More Than Two Thousand Brains Team Up Against Countless Hackers To Stop Phishing

Many real-world evils and dangers prevail in the cyber world too. What are the odds that you may come face to face with a gun-wielding mugger while walking along a desolate and dark street? Believe it or not, today the odds are the same when you visit an unsafe website or open an email. Cyber attackers don’t blink an eye to use their deadly weapons. Hardened criminals change their identities to blend in with society and commit crimes without being noticed. Cyber hackers are no different. Just as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, they disguise as someone else to dig their claws into their victims with more ease. Business Email Compromise (BEC) and phishing through stolen emails (Spear Phishing) are …

Deepfake May Give You Cancer Either Way

“Deepfake may give you cancer!” With such a headline, you might not bother reading the rest of the article. You might reduce the message of the article to, “If a false perception about you gets out through a phony video, you will be wrecked to the point that even your immune system may collapse.” We already know that such a risk exists in the not-so-distant future for people who have obsessive enemies or competition, and enjoy some level of fame, wealth, and reputation. The emotional and physical toll that a deepfake takes on someone could eventually give them cancer. Although it may seem pointless to write an article about this to those who already know what deepfake may bring on …

From “Game Of Thrones” To The “The Reality Game” The Game Remains The Same

Game Of Thrones

Late as it may be, the Book of Deepfake has finally been written: The Reality Game by Samuel Woolley. The content of the book, as well as its name, is reminiscent of the Game of Thrones. The central theme is the same, even if they are products of two completely different categories. Both tell the story of how a person’s ego can drag their intelligence to do inconceivable things when it comes to humans and authority. What they use to do this is insignificant—be it a crown or a sword, or artificial intelligence or an algorithm. Humanity’s struggle for power and authority always includes lying, cheating, and intrigue, whether in a fictional dystopian world or in our era of technology. …

Influencers Grow An Appetite For Computer-Built Deepfake Models

Influencers Grow An Appetite For Computer-Built Deepfake Models

Just like consumerism, marketing knows no bounds, especially in the information technology industry where consumer preferences can change with blinding speed. There is no need to go as far back as CD-ROMs or DVDs; in the era of cloud, even flash disks and hard disks seem to be going out of fashion. Is the consumerism extravaganza the result of the speed in which technology develops new products, or is insatiable consumerism the driving force behind those who develop new technologies? This is an example of the chicken and egg question. The biggest job falls on marketing ingenuity. They need to know both the consumer and the market, as well as the technology and the product. Who are they going to …