Unveiling PAGI Gen v1

In the fast-evolving world of generative models, there have been some exciting breakthroughs, especially in models based on Transformers and Diffusion. These models have shown exceptional performance in tasks related to generating images. However, when it comes to video generation, they have encountered a roadblock that we’ve observed mostly in Large Language Models (LLMs), known as the hallucination issue. As of the current year, 2023, in the context of video generation tasks utilizing the img2img framework, the Vanilla Autoencoder architecture remains the preferred choice. Despite the inherent challenge associated with interpolating the self-reconstruction vectors in contrast to the more intricate highly interpolable Variational Autoencoder vectors, it is noteworthy that once this hurdle is overcome, these vectors exhibit a high degree …

Deepfake: Infodemic Spread Through Disinformation and Misinformation is More Fatal than the Pandemic

Infodemic Spread Through Disinformation and Misinformation is More Fatal than the Pandemic

We had barely become accustomed to the idea of a pandemic before an onslaught of new terms took over our lives on the online world and social media. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it was fighting not only the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic but also the infodemic: “Trust reliable news sources, not social media content,” it warned. The global outbreak, or the pandemic as it is called, shook us to the core. We have become familiar with the notion of an infodemic, meaning “disinformation of global information and news” on social media. COVID-19 is the first social-media-borne infodemic. No other fictitious/false wave of information or news has reached such a global scale before. The efforts of the WHO, in …