Deepfake Reverse Engineering Challenge (DREC)

There is no problem in sight. Everything was included in the specifications of the competition. All competitors, including our team, who participated in the competition on behalf of Zemana and outdistanced nearly 2000 participants, accepted the conditions from the beginning. But after the competition, it is not possible to ignore the big and disturbing contradiction as we can say “would that happen too?” This was the first and biggest competition to promote and support the development of detection models to protect the online world from the deepfake threat. Of course, it should not be difficult to understand and accept that the malicious deepfake developers should face consequences that can contribute to reverse engineering processes. Deepfake videos whose algorithms had not been …

Deepfake: Continuing to Fight Mosquitoes in Swamp Opening…

Continuing to Fight Mosquitoes in Swamp Opening…

Anyone with an average intelligence and minimal life experience knows that you should not expose yourself to things that may be dangerous when misused. This applies to medicine or a licensed weapon. Even a very innocent confectionery can lead to deadly consequences when it is not consumed in a healthy or safe way. We place these things in safe places out of the reach of those at risk, and we take measures to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. We do not use them in a dangerous and wrong way. We know not to put an emergency bag or medicine cabinet in an easily-accessible place. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital lifestyle is being pumped into society …