When A Deepfake Troller Becomes A Phenomenon

The standard definition of a phenomenon is “something or someone that attracts attention and admiration exceptional enough to create an emotional bond.” Undoubtedly, the making of an online phenomenon, especially on social media, is measured by its number of followers. Trolls loom as the agitators, troublemakers, and manipulation experts of the online world. While phenomena emanate a powerful magnetic field from a single source, trolls fire machine guns at certain targets to expand their gravitational field. It takes only one account to become a phenomenon, whereas trolls more often require multiple fake accounts to feed their appetite for chaos. No phenomenon, even with its hundreds of thousands of followers, could be considered saintly. Such fame inevitably comes with an ethical …

Deepfake Loves Murky Times

The world was getting ready to face 2020 with an onslaught of deepfake attacks; instead, it is at a loss in the face of the COVID-19 coronavirus onslaught. Most of us would probably prefer deepfake to COVID-19. Alas, the situation that has spiraled into a “pandemic” gave nobody a choice. Don’t lose sight of deepfake while battling the threat of coronavirus on our health and lives. Remember that deepfake loves murky times. Not only does it concoct chaos, but it also captivates people’s minds more easily in an environment of chaos, even when it is not of its own making. As is the case with world media, social media is also inundated with information and images and reflections from all …